Sunday, June 20, 2004


By temperament, I'm a planner. I rarely leave for a trip without meticulous planning mapped out far in advance. Normally I go to New Mexico each summer for a few weeks, attending a conference in Santa Fe. Since we normally plan about two weeks of vacation around the conference, each night of the trip is planned out, reservations are made and confirmed, and everything runs with the precision of a Swiss watch. So when a friend asked me how I plan to spend five weeks abroad, I admitted that I had no idea. Quite frankly, I'll be flying by the seat of my pants, and that's very new for me. If the truth be known, I have few things planned. I leave on Tuesday, I arrive in London on Wednesday. The following Tuesday I leave for Oxford, and give a paper at St. Peter's College on Wednesday. After that, it's off to Bath, then up near Shrewsbury for a weekend. I return to London, then head northward, stopping in Norwich, to pay my respects to Dame Julian of Norwich, Walsingham and Durham, to visit the Venerable Bede. From thence, it's up into Scotland for research at the National Library of Scotland and Pluscarden Abbey . Where shall Lew lay his head? How long will he spend in each place? Will he get his money's worth out of his BritRail pass? Stay tuned true believers...

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